While proceeds from our events and rentals of the space help to pay for our overhead costs, this income unfortunately does not come close to providing enough to permit us to do the work yet to be done on the building. We continue to need matching funds for the capital projects that will be needed over the long term to fully accommodate the intended uses for the building, as well as sufficient funds to cover yearly operating costs of roughly $30,000/year (nearly $15,000 for insurance alone and the rest for utilities, operating and fund raising expenses. No 1867 Committee member receives any compensation for our efforts). PNJ does NOT have this money! And as renters in a lease agreement, we do not have collateral to secure loans. All that we do must be done with cash on hand. Without the continuing support of the community, we could not continue this effort, or demonstrate to possible funders the continuing interest by and support of the community to bringing this work to completion.

We greatly appreciate your support of our work!

You may donate any amount online using your credit card or Paypal account by clicking the Donate button below (you may enter memorial/in honor of donations on the Paypal page) or by mailing your check payable to “Preservation New Jersey/1867 Sanctuary” to the below address. All contributions to Preservation New Jersey, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, are fully tax deductible!

Preservation New Jersey
1867 Sanctuary at Ewing
P.O. Box 7815
West Trenton, NJ 08628

Please consider being a leadership “Keystone” donor to help sustain and enhance the 1867 Sanctuary. Contributor acknowledgements vary with donor level:

“Keystone” Donor Leadership Levels ($1867 and above)

  • $25,000 or more – Diamond (Includes inside cover display ad in Grand Opening Festival program, in order of receipt);
  • $15,000 – $24,999 Granite
  • $ 7,500 – $14,999 Marble
  • $ 1,867 – $ 7,499 Sandstone

We invite you to call 609-392-6409, email 1867sanctuary@preservationnj.org, and continue to visit this website for updates, specific information about donor categories and associated benefits, and other ways to help! Donations of funds or talent to complete specific projects are also welcome! We now can accept tax-deductible gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, and securities!

A donation form is also provided in our brochure, that you may download and print from this web site.